Welcome to Pupil Services
The Warren County Public Schools provides a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to all students within its jurisdiction who are identified with a disability, consistent with definitions set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. No student, solely by reason of his or her handicap as defined in these Acts, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity operated by Warren County Public Schools.
Any student who needs or is believed to need special education accommodations, related services, or programs under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, may be referred to the school division’s 504 Coordinator, Mrs. Randa Vernazza, for determination of eligibility under Section 504.
If you have a concern, please contact your building principal.
Click here for more information: U.S Department of Education 504 Information
Fentanyl Awareness
The Right Turn Program has been developed as a possible alternative to long term suspension for first time offenders for drug offenses committed on school grounds.
The purpose of the program is to give both students and parents information that can assist families with drug use and improving the parent-child relationship.
Agreements in participation:
- This is a one-time offering for a student and is for first time offenders only, who are not charged with distribution of drugs. Legal charges for use or under the influence will be made anytime a student has drugs or is under the influence at school. The Juvenile Courts have agreed to consider deferring these charges if the program is successfully completed.
- The student and parent or guardian must actively participate in all 8 modules in order to successfully complete the program.
- The modules must be completed within the time frame offered. Being absent or late to any program module will negate this agreement and the 365 day suspension will be instituted immediately. The court will also be informed of unsuccessful completion.
- Appropriate participation is expected during each module. Attentiveness to the instructors, willingness to actively participate and respect for other group members is needed by both students and parents. If instructors feel that the student and/or parents have a hostile or overtly negative attitude towards the program, participation will be immediately terminated and this information will be sent to the Superintendent for review. The court will also be informed of unsuccessful completion.